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Beads Max Classic S 10ml

Beads Max Classic S 10ml

Regular price $120.00 USD
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Beads Max Body Classic S is "soft" based on cross-linked hyaluronic acids. It was designed to be used by the body. It uses cutting-edge Hyaluronic Acid technology to enhance longevity effects and ensure safety.


Biodegradable hyaluronic acid

Strong viscosity and cohesiveness

Easy to mold

Increases elasticity


Safe and removable


Scope of BeadsMax Body Classic-S:

Beads Max Body Classic-S is used for breast and buttock augmentation.

Esthetic effect lasts from 7 to 12 months.


Product composition: HA 20mg/ml

1 syringe × 10 ml. 

 For Topical use only

 To be used by liscenced professionals only. Lashesbybellah is not responsible for any negative effects that you may encounter after administering products by yourself. It is recommended to consult a doctor or medical professional for any procedure. With this purchase you acknowledge and concent to these statements. 

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