Elasty Deep (Hyaluronic Acid) 2mls
Elasty Deep (Hyaluronic Acid) 2mls
Elasty Deep is highly preferred by all consumers. Its high viscosity guarantees maximum satisfaction by any consumer. High viscosity makes for a perfect gel when quality comes into mind. (No lido)
Elasty D is medium viscosity.
Elasty Deep is perfect for most areas of the face including lip volume, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and cheeks.
Area of Application
Deep Forehead Lines
Deep Frown Lines
Nasolabial Folds
Lip Volume
Marionette Lines
Comes with 2mls
2 ×1ml
Depending on each individuals lifestyle the product can last 12+ months.
For cosmetic use only
To be used by liscenced professionals only. Lashesbybellah is not responsible for any negative effects that you may encounter after administering products by yourself. It is recommended to consult a doctor or medical professional for any procedure.
Great product
I have purchased this product for months of rent. I’m very satisfied with the company and the product.
Quick shipment,great authentic products, great prices! You won't regret it! And I'm not one for reviews but the service and quality have been hands down! Now shop away!!